Volume 3 of The Coming of the Glory, was released in April 2023. In exile was the prophet Ezekiel, with thousands of other Hebrews. He it was who saw the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord, Bahá’u’lláh. Ezekiel saw that the Lord would gather the Jews from all nations and restore them to their land. He said “Woe worth the Day,” which according to Chapter 11 of the Revelation of St. John, meant the third woe, the coming of Bahá’u’lláh. Ezekiel told of Gog and Magog, over which we still puzzle.

Daniel was the only other exilic prophet. He gave five time-specific prophecies, one about Jesus and four about the Bahá’í Faith. Most of the Hebrew prophets prophecies were murky as to “when,” but not Daniel’s.
The postexilic prophets included Second Isaiah, who gave us the beautiful words “Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God.” The debt for past iniquity had been paid, and “the voice of him that crieth in the wilderness” spoke of John the Baptist. He prophesied that the Lord had summoned a bird of prey from the east, who turned out to the Persian King Cyrus the Great who fulfilled the divine plan to return the Jews to Jerusalem.
Third Isaiah saw a new heaven (a new Revelation) and a new earth (where all the people will embrace His Cause), for the old had passed away. He foresaw the day that would not be followed by night, the Revelation of Bahá’u’lláh that would not be followed by another.
The postexilic prophets such as Obadiah, Zechariah, and Joel addressed the issues of their day, including idolatry and social injustice. But there would be a discernible change of focus away from the present and into the future. Zechariah foresaw Jesus, coming “righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey.” He also foresaw Bahá’u’lláh as the “one Lord, and his name the only name.” Bahá’u’lláh is pronounced and spelled the same throughout the world.
In particular, Joel warned that the day of the Lord was approaching. “Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm on my holy hill.”
These later prophets are still speaking to us today. Join them!
The Coming of the Glory—Trilogy
The spiritual evolution of humanity

Volume 1 of The Coming of the Glory explores the spiritual evolution of humanity in the Middle East from Paleolithic hunter-gatherer days through to the ministries of Abraham and Moses, and then the days of the judges, the united kingdom, and the early divided kingdom. The prophets of those times were often unnamed, but they made significant contributions. The named prophets include Elijah, who heard God as a quiet voice within, thus marking a point in spiritual evolution where the one God was not an anthropomorphic storm god, but was a divine voice to be heard on the inner level.
ISBN: 978-1732451186
Publisher: Something or Other Publishing
The preexilic, canonical prophets

Volume 2 covers the preexilic, canonical prophets Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, Micah, Zephaniah, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Jeremiah within the context of their geopolitical and social times. Previously, prophets such as Nathan and Elijah were covered within the context of other narratives. The canonical, or classical, prophets were those whose teachings and writings were saved separately and put in books named after them.
Publisher: Something or Other Publishing
The exilic and postexilic prophets
Volume 3 covers the exilic and postexilic prophets, all within the context of their historical times. The exilic prophets were Elijah, Daniel, Obadiah, and Second Isaiah, and the postexilic prophets of the Restoration were Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Third Isaiah, and Joel.